Retreats are an integral part of a Xavier student’s spiritual formation. From the very beginning, incoming freshmen participate in the Via Dei retreat, introducing them to our Ignatian charism and welcoming them into our community of faith. Sophomores are required to attend the Montserrat retreat with their advisement group. Juniors are encouraged to participate in a Kairos retreat. And seniors can choose from one of four retreat options offered throughout their final year at Xavier.
Retreats offer our students opportunities for prayer, reflection, fellowship, and time to discover more about who they are becoming as Sons of Xavier and children of God. The retreat program at Xavier was created paying close attention to their religious education in the classroom and to their emotional and spiritual development as young men.
Students of all faiths participate in retreats. The richness of our retreat experiences lie, in part, in the richness of our students’ faith traditions and experiences.