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Xavier High School is committed to forming young men who are beginning to take responsibility for their own growth, seeking opportunities to stretch their minds, imaginations, feelings, and religious consciousness. Pedro Arrupe, former Superior General of the Society of Jesus, spoke of the graduate of a Jesuit high school as a "man for others"—one who lives not only for himself; who has begun to move beyond self-interest and self-centeredness; who can value the unique mystery of other people; who is committed to making life better for everyone.

The Christian Service Program (CSP) is intended to foster a student's growth into this kind of person. The program seeks to prepare the student to exercise Christian attitudes in today's world; to transcend themselves into achieving their identities; to commit themselves to causes and persons greater than their individual egos; to work for the common good.

The program is not aimed at career exploration or job training. Rather, it is Xavier's hope that through direct personal contact with people in need, our students will come to realize their potential and talents as persons, and recognize their responsibility to serve others.

Christian Service Program

Thanksgiving Food Drive

Each fall, Xavier’s Thanksgiving Food Drive presents an important opportunity to enhance our school's commitment of love and service to others. We are always proud to support the programs of the Xavier Mission, run through the parish next door, as they seek to feed and empower those who are struggling here in our own neighborhoods of Manhattan.

Click below for more information about our food drive.