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Throughout our history, Xavier has encouraged young men to nurture a boundless curiosity about the world—to ask tough and thoughtful questions, to explore new perspectives and interests, to expand their knowledge and consciousness.

To use Jesuit language, students learn to seek the magis (“the more”) on 16th Street. That lesson begins in rigorous, thought-provoking classes, where students strive to be more and do more—always in service of others.

Our students’ curiosity has long been fortified by a deep sense of discipline. Sons of Xavier often credit their four years on 16th Street with their penchant for time management, their capacity for self-direction, and their creativity and problem-solving skills. They develop those critical abilities thanks to challenging, caring teachers who are experts in their academic fields as well as the education of boys.

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Academic Departments

Xavier's vast number of AP and honors classes, in addition to the great curriculum flexibility, is a great way for me to challenge myself and still be able to take elective courses that align with my interests. The Ignatian Scholar Program allowed me to take advantage of Xavier's rigorous curriculum, starting in my freshman year, as the honors courses better prepared me for the more advanced classes I have taken.
Sohan Shah ’23